
MEDiNEA Sessions: Valletta & Gozo

Facilitating intercultural creation and exchange for Mediterranean emerging artists

As the Malta partner for Medinea [MEDiterranean Incubator of Emerging Artists], ARC facilitated two intercultural music creation residencies led by jazzman Fabrizio Cassol in Valletta (2020) and Gozo (2022). Designed to impart a unique artistic experience of innovation and creation that stems through the diversity of musical aesthetics and Mediterranean expressions, the project brought together young musicians from Algeria, France, Greece, Malta, Portugal and Tunisia.

Co-funded by the Creative Europe and Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union; led by the Festival d’Aix-en-Provence. Supported by Arts Council Malta, Ministry for Gozo, Cultural Heritage Directorate, Għarb Local Council, Għarb Band Club, APS Bank, and Festivals Malta.

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