
Working Group on Youth with České Budějovice 2028 ECoC

Engaging youth leaders in the cultural field, and engaging youth through culture

Following an invitation from České Budějovice 2028 European Capital of Culture, who are leading a working group focused on the topic of youth within the Culture Next network, ARC led a workshop on youth engagement in culture for emerging cultural professionals from 12 European countries, with guest speakers Nicolas Bertrand (A Soul for Europe), Ana Benavides Otero (European Festivals Association), and Fjorida Cenaj (2023 Eleusis European Capital of Culture). The workshop focused on emerging cultural professionals’ experiences of working in the cultural and creative sectors, at the local, national, regional, and European levels. It will guide Culture Next (the Candidate Cities Network) on future steps for engaging young leaders in the cultural field, and engaging youth through culture. 

Commissioned by Budweis2028 European Capital of Culture.

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