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Groundwork for European collaboration
Perform Europe: Reimagining International Touring
Sub Heading Supporting innovative methods for cross-borderdistribution of the performing arts As part of Perform Europe’s aim to pilot a new EU support scheme for thecross-border distribution of performing arts works (both physical touringand digital distribution) currently existing in the 41 countries covered by theCreative Europe programme, ARC engaged in mapping and assessing thesesupport schemes…
The Mediterranean Dimension
Sub Heading Facilitating intercultural dialogue within theMediterranean region In the context of European Capital of Culture Valletta 2018 and as part of amulti-layered collaboration with the EuroMed network Medinea(Mediterranean Incubator of Emerging Artists), ARC hosted interculturalresidencies and workshops, performances and research encounters aroundthe theme of the Mediterranean. The project was developed incollaboration with Medinea, Festival…
Responding to pandemic impact on development of emerging artists
MEDiNEA Sessions: Valletta & Gozo
Sub Heading Facilitating intercultural creation and exchange forMediterranean emerging artists As the Malta partner for Medinea [MEDiterranean Incubator of EmergingArtists], ARC facilitated two intercultural music creation residencies led byjazzman Fabrizio Cassol in Valletta (2020) and Gozo (2022). Designed toimpart a unique artistic experience ofinnovation and creation that stemsthrough the diversity of musical aesthetics and Mediterranean…
Creative Pact for Skills
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