
[The Maltese Islands] State of Technical & Production Skills in the Live Performing Arts Industry

Commissioned study on the state of the live performing arts industry in the Maltese islands

The European Year of Skills 2023 served as a catalyst to engage in discussions about increasing sustainability, social fairness and sectoral resilience for the cultural and creative sectors through processes of upskilling, reskilling and the development of future skills.

ARC was commissioned to explore the state of technical and production skills in the live performing arts industry in the Maltese islands, with a view towards informing policymakers and equipping the future workforce.

The study served as a crucial first step in understanding the multifaceted challenges facing the live performing arts industry in the Maltese islands.

Commissioned study forming part of the project ‘Xenografija’- a weekend intensive; supported by Arts Council Malta and Kunsill Reġjonali Lvant.

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