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Participate in our survey on Culture & Health in the Maltese Islands
Engaging artists working at the intersection between culture and health, and professionals interested in accessing this field
Region of Gozo signs the EFFE Seal for Festival Cities & Regions
A commitment to nurturing the enriching contributions of arts to life in communities across Gozo and to fostering connections across Europe As the Malta Hub for the European Festivals Association, we are pleased to share that the Region of Gozo (Kunsill Reġjonali Għawdex) signed the EFFE Seal for Festival Cities & Regions during the Arts…
Uniting culture and health in Malta and Europe
ARC Research & Consultancy continues to champion the intersection of culture, health, and well-being through two major initiatives: a national study bridging cultural and healthcare sectors in the Maltese Islands, and its role as a partner in the EU-wide CultureAndHealth Platform.
In a time of declining democracies, culture is key
Opinion piece in the Times of Malta
Culture & Well-Being Forum
Sub Heading Moving the conversation forward in the Maltese Islands In line with the European calls for awareness about the critical role ofculture and the arts in improving health and well-being at both theindividual and collective level (CultureForHealth), ARC was engaged by ArtsCouncil Malta to organise a one-day forum focused on the connectionsbetween artistic expression…
Launch of Malta’s Draft Charter for the Status of the Artist
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