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[Impact of COVID-19] ACMlab Special Series
Sub Heading This six-week series of conversations was developed as a result of ARC’simpact assessment of COVID-19 on the CCS, and formed part of ArtsCouncil Malta’s ACMlab series. The sessions enabled creative practitionersto deal with the challenges brought on by COVID-19, and presentedopportunities to evaluate and discuss how the sectors operate on a longterm basis….
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Mediterranean Youth Orchestra
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Region of Gozo signs the EFFE Seal for Festival Cities & Regions
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MEDiNEA Sessions: Valletta & Gozo
Sub Heading Facilitating intercultural creation and exchange forMediterranean emerging artists As the Malta partner for Medinea [MEDiterranean Incubator of EmergingArtists], ARC facilitated two intercultural music creation residencies led byjazzman Fabrizio Cassol in Valletta (2020) and Gozo (2022). Designed toimpart a unique artistic experience ofinnovation and creation that stemsthrough the diversity of musical aesthetics and Mediterranean…